New CANARI online training course at UKCEH

UKCEH is running a new (and free!) online training course on “Data-driven approaches to hydrological science”. The training course is supported by CANARI and is led by CANARI researcher Amulya Chevuturi, Hydroclimate Data Scientist.

Details of the course and application process can be found here: 

Short course description:

Being able to access and use a range of data related to the terrestrial hydrological cycle and associated risks (e.g. climate, meteorological, hydrological) is crucial for planning, analysis and management in sectors such as insurance, energy, agriculture, conservation, public policy, scientific research and many more. In this online course, students will learn to find, prepare, manipulate, analyse, model and present hydrological data in a series of skills-focussed workshops and seminars. Students will gain practical experience in collecting, modelling, managing, analysing, storing and visualising hydrological data and more. We invite participants from across the globe to take part in this exciting opportunity to build confidence working with environmental data underpinning understanding and management of the hydrological cycle and its extremes. Be sure to apply early, as spaces are limited!


14th-16th July 2025


Maximum 25 learners

Workshop Leaders:

Amulya Chevuturi, Hydroclimate Data Scientist
Matt Fry, Environmental Informatics Manager
Kit Macleod, Specialist Science Lead (Digital Tools)
Tom Keel, Hydrological Data Analyst



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