Climate Change in the Arctic and North Atlantic Region and Impacts on the UK

We seek to understand how climate change in the Arctic and North Atlantic region will impact the United Kingdom, with a focus on extreme weather and the potential for rapid, disruptive change.

Our work

We will take an all-in-one view of the Arctic and North Atlantic climate system, including the ocean, atmosphere and sea ice, to understand how changes in this region will affect the UK.

English coastline where waves meet small coastal houses

What will CANARI do?

We will enable the UK to play an internationally leading role in understanding regional climate change, and providing information about the consequences of climate change for UK people, places, and economy.

Quaint english buildings flooded by high water levels

Latest News

The 2024 CANARI Annual Meeting
CANARI at EGU General Assembly 2024
Experiences From Our First Coding Sprint

Rapid Arctic warming and loss of sea ice is one of the most likely causes of disruptive change to weather and climate in the UK.


Platforms of white sea ice move on a blue ocean surface

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Densely packed sea ice on a vivid blue ocean

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